If you’re like most people, you’ve suffered some foot pain at some point in your life. Hopefully, the pain was minor, allowing you to continue with your healthy lifestyle.
About 75% of Americans experience foot problems at one time or another. The majority of foot-related injuries in people aged 17 or older are ankle strains or sprains. Nearly 6% of the U.S. population experiences foot injuries, bunions, flat feet, or fallen arches each year. As you may already know, even mild foot pain can be debilitating. Still, it’s usually safe to try simple home remedies for a while.
Learn more about Foot and Ankle Surgery >>
According to Dr. Sean Henning, P.P.M., if foot pain is from an injury or overuse, it will often respond well to cold therapy and rest.
“After an injury, you should avoid activities that can worsen your foot pain,” said Dr. Henning. “Apply ice on your foot for 15 to 20 minutes several times a day. If needed, you can try over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, which will also help with pain and improve healing.”
Dr. Henning noted that even with the best intentions, you might suffer some foot stiffness or pain, particularly in the morning or after resumed activity for several weeks. “If you can’t recall a specific injury or are unsure of the cause of your foot pain (particularly if you have diabetes), please call us for a consultation,” he said. “When it comes to feet, it’s better to be safe than sorry.”
When to Call Your Doctor
● If you’re experiencing severe pain or swelling
● If you have an open wound or a wound showing signs of infection — such as redness, warmth, and tenderness in the affected area, or a fever over 100 F (37.8 C)
● If you can’t walk or put weight on your foot
● If you have diabetes and a wound that isn’t healing or is red, deep, warm to the touch, or swollen
When to Schedule an Office Visit
● If you have constant swelling that doesn’t improve after two to five days of home treatment
● If there’s no improvement in your pain level after one to two weeks
● If you’re experiencing a burning sensation, numbness or tingling, especially on the bottom of your foot
Our goal at OSMC is to get you back on your feet (literally) without pain!
Are you experiencing foot pain? Call 574-264-0791 to schedule an appointment with a doctor at an OSMC office today — no referral needed!
This blog post is not intended to provide personal medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment to you or to any other individual. It is information for educational purposes only. You should not use this information in place of a consutatation or the advice of a healthcare provider.