Is Joint Pain Normal as You Age?
Experiencing stiffness and discomfort in your joints as you grow older is common, but it’s crucial to know when it becomes a cause for concern. At OSMC, we believe in informing you about your joint health throughout your journey. As you age, your body undergoes several changes, and joint discomfort is one of them. However, it’s important to note that chronic joint pain is not a normal part of aging.
Is My Joint Pain Arthritis?
Arthritis encompasses over 100 conditions affecting joints, with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis prevalent. Osteoarthritis results from cartilage deterioration between bones, while rheumatoid arthritis involves the immune system attacking joints, leading to inflammation. If arthritis goes untreated, it may cause joint damage.
Dr. Jeffrey Sonntag is an orthopedic surgeon with expertise in shoulders and elbows at the Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Center of Northern Indiana (OSMC). He notes, “Arthritis is a medical term which means joint inflammation or pain. As an orthopedic surgeon, we generally treat arthritis surgically when conservative treatments fail and your arthritis is causing you to have more bad days than good days. When this occurs, it is time to start a discussion with your surgeon. Joint replacement is not a decision to make overnight. I recommend going over your personal goals with your surgeon so they can set the correct expectations. With any type of joint replacement, expectations are key to a good outcome for both the patient and the surgeon.”
Is My Joint Pain Symptoms Arthritis?
Arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints, encompassing a range of conditions that affect joints and the tissues surrounding them. Symptoms of arthritis can vary depending on the type of arthritis and the severity of the condition, but common symptoms may include:
- Joint pain that persists in one or multiple joints.
- Joint stiffness, especially in the morning or after periods of inactivity.
- Swelling and a feeling of fullness or tightness in the affected area.
- A decreased range of motion reduces the ability to move the affected joint through its full range of motion.
- Redness and warmth as inflammation can cause the joints to become red, warm to the touch, and tender.
- Fatigue can be attributed to the body’s chronic inflammation and pain response.
- Joint deformities may develop over time due to the destruction of cartilage and bone.
Arthritis can vary significantly depending on the type of arthritis, its severity, and individual factors. If you are experiencing persistent joint pain or other symptoms that suggest arthritis, it is crucial to consult your OSMC orthopedic specialist to obtain an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management.
When Should I See an Orthopedist About My Joint Pain?
Because stiffness and pain are so commonly a part of aging, and because almost everyone has experienced some sort of injury that can continue to cause discomfort for years after the fact, it’s easy for people to simply dismiss their joint pain as a natural – and inevitable – part of getting older. There are some signs, though, that you should pay attention to and discuss with your doctor because they might be signs of arthritis.
If you experience stiffness, especially if it lasts well into the morning, it can be a sign that you’re experiencing pain associated with an arthritic condition. Other signs can include:
- Experiencing a limited range of motion in a joint due to pain.
- Hearing crunching sounds when you move, especially in joints like the knee, can be a signal that bones are starting to rub together as cartilage has deteriorated.
- You are experiencing muscle weakness or joints locking up, causing you to lose balance.
Our board-certified orthopedic specialists at Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Center are here to help you with your joint pain concerns.
Arthritis Treatment with OSMC, Elkhart IN
Regardless of your age, chronic pain is not necessarily an inevitable part of aging. Pain symptoms that occur regularly should always be discussed with your doctor because there are often many treatment options that can help reduce your pain and keep it from interfering with your life. Contact OSMC to reserve an appointment! Call 574-319-9386 or reserve an appointment online.