FMLA and Disability - FAQs and Forms
Questions about work FMLA / Disability Forms
Q: How do I submit a form or request?
A: For forms related to a work leave, such as FMLA, disability, or for a work accommodation, please email completed forms to or fax to (574)262-9650
Q: How long should I expect for my request to be fulfilled?
A: We process forms in the order received and will be processed within 7-10 business days once authorization and payment are received. Please note that incomplete forms will delay the completion process.
Q: How do I receive my completed form?
A: When you request your form, you specify where it should be sent and if it should be faxed, emailed, mailed, or picked up.
Q: Still have more questions?
A: Please call the FMLA / Disability dept at: ext. 4399
Questions about requesting medical records
Q: I need medical records, what do I do?
A: To request copies of your medical records please fill out a medical records release form. This form must be completed and signed by the patient, legal guardian, or healthcare Power of Attorney (if completed by the POA then we must have documentation) Completed forms can be emailed, faxed, mailed, or dropped off at any OSMC location. For any questions or any urgent medical records request please call: (574) 970-4468
Medical Records
2310 California Rd.
Elkhart, IN 46514
Fax: (574) 262-5183
General Questions
Q: My form or records were emailed to me, but I am not seeing anything from you in my inbox. What do I do?
A: Please check your spam folder first. PHI is sent through secure e-mail; You will need to register and validate your email address first, once registered please follow the instructions provided in the email to access your medical records.