ROSA® Knee System: Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery in Northern Indiana
Minimally Invasive Knee Surgery in Michiana
You’re unique, and so is your anatomy. That’s why robotic technology joint replacement surgery may be right for you. The “robot” assists our specially trained physicians and allows them to get a precise fit for your knee implant. The system uses data collected before and during surgery to inform your doctor of the details related to your unique knee anatomy that may affect your implant fit and function. With this tool, your surgeon can plan, personalize, and execute the surgery based on your needs.
What are the Benefits of Robot-Assisted Joint Replacement with ROSA?
Our top-rated surgeons utilize the ROSA Knee System to perform Minimally invasive robotic joint replacement. This offers excellent benefits including:
- Surgery personalized to your unique anatomy
- Precise placement of the implant
- Increased longevity of the implant
- Possible reduced hospital time
- Less time under anesthesia
- Small incisions
- Quick recovery and relief
- Fast return to daily activities
- Reduced injury to adjacent tissues
Am I a Candidate for a ROSA Knee surgery?
Your trained OSMC orthopedic surgeon will analyze your knee and overall health and inform you of your candidacy for a ROSA Knee surgery. Your surgeon will want to know if you:
- Have arthritis
- Have swelling
- Experience severe knee pain
- Struggle to complete tasks due to joint pain
- Aren’t finding relief from nonsurgical treatments like physical therapy, injections, or anti-inflammatory medication
What Happens During a Rosa Robot-Assisted Knee Surgery?
Many people think the robot performs the surgery, but it is simply there to assist the top-rated OSMC surgeons in precisely positioning the knee implant. During your procedure, the ROSA robotic system utilizes a camera and optical trackers attached to your leg to know precisely where your knee is in space. If your leg moves even a fraction of an inch, the robot can tell and help the surgeon adjust accordingly. This also helps ensure that your surgeon's plan is executed as intended.
OSMC knee surgeon Dr. Erekson notes, “With the ROSA robotic system, the robotic assistant provides data and positioning of the patient's knee to the surgeon during the operation. This allows the surgeon to gain greater precision and the option to make modifications to enhance implant fit during procedures.”
Does OSMC Offer Recovery Support after Robot-Assisted Surgery?
Before your surgery, your OSMC care team will prepare a plan and discuss your surgery and recovery details with you. The new mymobility™ app for your smartphone was created for ROSA surgery patients. The app provides additional education about milestones and helps you stay on track with your knee replacement recovery tasks and goals. Learn more about the mymobility app here.
Want to Know More About the Rosa Knee System?
ROSA - Robotic Surgical Assistant - Patient Flyer
Read our blog article to learn more about robotic joint replacement surgery.
Read an OSMC ROSA surgery patient's story.
Watch a video about the ROSA Knee System.
Contact OSMC Today to Discuss Surgery with the ROSA Knee System
Robotic joint replacement is a minimally invasive approach to finding relief from knee pain. Contact the orthopedic surgeons at OSMC to find out more. Call us at (574) 319-9697 or book an appointment online at one of our six convenient locations in Michiana to discuss if robotic joint replacement is suitable for you.

OSMC Robotic Joint Replacement Providers
Orthopedic Surgeon - Joint Reconstruction Specialist