Billing Information for OSMC Surgery Center
If you recently visited the OSMC Surgery Center in Elkhart, Indiana, please be aware that you may receive separate bills for the healthcare services you were provided. For your convenience, below are listed types of services and the billing contact, including the contact information (mail and phone) for each, should you wish to follow up.
Provider Fees (Surgeons & Anesthesiologists)
Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Center of Northern Indiana, Inc. (OSMC)
2310 California Road
Elkhart, IN 46514
Billing phone: (574) 264-4163
Toll-free: (800) 398-2058, ext. 4305
Facility Fee
OSMC Outpatient Surgery Center, also known as ASC Surgical Ventures
2310 California Road
Elkhart, IN 46514
Surgery Center billing phone: (574) 266-5213
Toll-free: (800) 398-2058, ext. 4228
Anesthesia Services
Midwest Anesthesia Consultants
DBA: Southeast Anesthesiologists, Inc.
Phone: (317) 870-6736